Thursday 21 April 2011

Who are 'The Great Actors'?

Great actors are not defined by awards,They are not defined by the big bucks they are paid and they are definitely not defined by hours they spend in make-up rooms.A great actor is the one who when an movie ends stays in peoples mind as that character and not himself.A great actor need not appear hours on screen to create an impact he may just come for few minutes and leave us all spellbound.

In India actors are worshiped like gods.They larger than life image on screen transcend onto reality as well.Fans go berserk whenever their favorite actors movie hits the screen.My next article will be on the actor that i have gone,still going and i will always go totally berserk not only whenever his movie release but whenever i even get glimpse of him.

Thalaiva Idhu Ungalukaga..

Wednesday 20 April 2011


What are movies?An expression,An art,Passion,Few hours of entertainment,Or just a mere business.Movies especially in India goes beyond what just transcend onto screen.Its when love and passion of many people right from director,cinematographers,writers,editors to the light-men come together to create magic on screen.But yet why is that in the same country when there are movies that change our lives,there are some that literally pushes us to end it as well for ever seeing it.But then life is full of contrasts-good and evil,heads and tails,life and death.Like that there will be both sides to the coin always.

This blog is a dedication to those great actors,directors,writers and the numerous other technicians who have made the film industry what it is people will always stay forever in our hearts.